Saturday, August 24, 2024

Soviet officers and blog's 13th birthday

    General Chuikov of Soviet 62nd Army and three more Soviet officers are ready to lead my Bolt Action Soviet army. From what we know so far, there are two rank options for officers in Bolt Action 3rd edition, the Platoon Commander (2nd Lt and 1st Lt) and the Company Commander (Captain and Major). Probably, I will need some more officers for all my Soviet platoons.

General Chuikov

   I will use this miniature as a Major. I hope it is not a blasphemy!

General Chuikov, "The Man of Iron Will"


1st Lt

A flag bearer

2nd Lt

All four officers

   Some photos of the Fournare path in Rethymno of Crete. Nice nature!

   Tomorrow my blog will be thirteen years old! Happy birthday!

   That's it for today! Stay tuned for more!


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