Monday, December 28, 2015

Malbeth the Seer and the Estación de Porto-São Bento in Portugal

   "Malbeth the Seer" is a very nice miniature. It comes as the pair of the "Arvedui, the last king of Arnor" miniature in the same blister. Two years ago, I gave a new role to Arvedui. I made him the King of the Dead. Since then I kept Malbeth in a box unpainted. His time has come. Malbeth the Seer has the "Gift of Foresight" which is a very useful special rule. He is a helpful Hero to have  on the battlefield.

Malbeth the Seer

   As I mentioned in a previous post, recently I was in Portugal. Apart from Lisbon, I visited Porto, a very nice town. I arrived there by train. I didn't know anything about the Porto train station.  It is amazing! It is full with scenes of Portuguese history made of azulejos, the famous blue tiles. Please, take a look:

Estación de Porto-São Bento

Entrada de D. João I no Porto a celebrar o seu casamento com Filipa de Lencastre 
(século XIV)

o Infante D. Henrique na conquista de Ceuta 
(século XV)

Torneio de Arcos de Valdevez 
(século XII)

Egas Moniz apresentando-se, com a mulher e filhos, ao rei de Leão 
(sec XII)

   And of course, since it is Christmas period:

   That's it for today! Stay tuned for more!