Sunday, December 20, 2015

Gondor Cavalry WIP

   Although we are in Christmas period and the first photo may look like a Christmas tree, it is not! I had two boxes of Minas Tirith knights plus some other mounted miniatures of Gondor in my "treasure chest". Now, during the winter vacations it is an opportunity to get them ready for action! The plan is to have at the end eleven knights of Minas Tirith, a banner bearer, a captain, a horn blower and Aragorn of the black gate.

Gondor cavalry

The first five knights

and the rest six on a ruler

and not on a banana boat!


   Unfortunately, one right hand had a problem. It was shorter than normal, it didn't have the upper part of the plate mail. Must be a problem of the cast.

   I used the upper part of the right hand of a Warrior of MT. I have some spare parts, the remaining of the Cirion's boys

and here is the result!

   First trial to make the captain was not successful. I tried to put the torso of a warrior of MT to the lower part of a Rohirrim. The result was not good, he was completely unproportional. The body and the head didn't match at all. The sword was too big as well!



   Next trial was to change the head and the right hand. He is more or less OK now! I had to give him a new role though. From now on, he is the horn blower of the force!

New, bigger head and right hand

   I used a Rohirrim as a base for the Captain miniature. I attached the head of the previous, discarded, Warrior of MT to the new Captain's body. I removed the arrows from his quiver and added a sword. Since his sword is in his back scabbard I gave him a war axe. And of course a Minas Tirith shield.  

The new Captain

   Finally, I gave to the twelfth knight of MT the Boromir's flag. I prefer both mounted Boromir and Boromir on foot miniatures with swords!   

The banner bearer

   Close to Sevilla there is the town of Alcalá de Guadaíra. It has a very nice Castillo! 

Castillo de Alcalá de Guadaíra

   That's it for today! Stay tuned for more!