Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Sergeant, Musician and Banner Bearer of the Green Clan - Test of Honour

   Happy new Year! This is my first post, of many I hope, for 2019. Let's see whether or not I will publish more posts than the twenty six of the previous year.
   I finished the first three warriors of the Green Clan. They are members of the command team, a banner bearer, a musician and a sergeant for the Test of Honour.

The Banner Bearer

The Musician with a conch (seashell horn)

The Sergeant

The Command team

ToH cards

   During Christmas vacation my godson played his first Lord of the Rings game! A Goblins horde tried to kill Frodo but the brave Minas Tirith warriors were there to save him. He had the Good Force and won, so definitely he enjoyed the game!

The Evil Force

Minas Tirith warriors protect Frodo

The Battlefield

And the happy winner!

   That's all for today! Stay tuned for more!