Monday, October 8, 2018

Seventh birthday!

   It's been more than a while since my last post. More than three months have passed and it seems I broke the rule "one post every month at least!" As a quick update about these three months I can say that first of all, it was a great summer! Many friends visited us here, in Crete to spend some days under the sun! I also have some new friends with whom we share the same passion for miniatures! They play mainly Warhammer "Age of Sigmar" but they are interested for other games as well. Furthermore, the "Test of honour" caught my attention and soon I hope I will post something relevant. Finally, my blog had its birthday on 25th of August, it is seven years old!

"Age of Sigmar" game

   We, my wife and I, visited the local club's exhibition. They had a F-104 Starfighter cockpit there!

My wife the pilot!

Me in front of my friend's wonderful models!

The poster

Happy birthday to my blog!

   That's it for today! Stay tuned for more!