Saturday, February 24, 2018

SAGA Jomsvikings Hearthguard Unit

   A Saga unit today! The first Hearthguards from my Jomsviking warband are ready. These three miniatures are the Jomsviking warriors of the Jarl Sigvaldi GB product. I completed the unit by using an army standard bearer of the WG ancient Celts because I didn't have a fourth Jomsviking warrior. I bought this Celt warrior miniature many years ago and since then it was kept in a drawer together with many other unused miniatures! 

The three Jomviking Hearthguards

On the photo the color of the eyes brings in mind the GoT, in reality though they are not so bright!

My fearless warrior with his "fearful" eyes! 

   And now, the historic inaccuracy: the fourth warrior of the unit is an ancient Celt! I didn't want to convert this miniature. I like it as it is with its Celtic pole. I just added some beard and made the hair longer. After that, I used the same colors as for the other three warriors and painted the Celtic boar figurine "Gunmetal Metal" instead of "Brass". I am more or less happy with the result. Anyway, none of my friends will oppose the idea to use it as a Jomsviking!

The original Celt miniature

   That's it for today! Stay tuned for more!