Thursday, February 5, 2015

The Shadow Lord

    I finished the Shadow Lord on foot miniature back in 2012 and the mounted version had been  waiting in a drawer since that same year for a better day! Now, this day has came and the mounted Shadow Lord is ready at last! I didn't paint him with the same colours as the on foot version because the final result would be too dark. So, I used some bright colours, such as medium blue for the scabbard and burnt cad. red for the bridles. Ok, I know that the on foot version, which by the way you can see here, doesn't have bridles! 


   Barbate is a very nice coastal town here in Andalusia. Barbate has two local dishes, the famous barbatella and  the Tartar de atún rojo! Barbatella is paella but instead of seafood has only tuna fish and Tartar de atún rojo is raw tuna (atún in Spanish) with avocado! Both are very delicious! Enjoy!


Tartar de atún rojo

   That's it for today! Stay tuned for more!   


  1. Aw yeah! Really nice Ringführer! Also, I can really appreciate the food-info, although it keeps getting me really hungry. It all looks delicious. You did well to move ;D

    1. Thank you, LLama! They are all delicious! I did well to move, indeed!

  2. Next time you can go to Zahara de los Atunes, very near from Barbate, the beach is one of the best in all Spain, various km with white sand and you can eat the beast tuna from Spain, the Almadraba is just there, is the place where the romans fished the tuna...
    Remember: Zahara de los Atunes, and eat Morrillo de Atún...

  3. Thank you very much for the info, Manolo! Next time, I will visit this place!
