Thursday, May 29, 2014

New home

   Finally we managed to move to our new home! It isn't bigger than the previous but here I don't have to use our dinner table as my workbench because I have found my "place under the sun".
   I renovated an old cupboard used as a bookcase and three old nightstands to create my little "workshop". I am eager to start using it, at least for a short period of time since I am moving again! This time temporarily, for three years, but far away, to another country!

My "place under the sun!"

The renovated bookcase

The original cupboard

The three nightstands 

and my "cupboard of plenty" at its new home!

   That's it for today! Stay tuned for more!


  1. Super job, well done.Which country are you heading to?

    1. Thank you, Scott! We will not change hemisphere, not even the continent! South Spain is our destination!

    2. I presume you speak enough of the lingo to get by!? Hope it works out well for you and the move goes easily. :-)

    3. Scott, I don't speak Spanish so far! It isn't the first time for me to serve abroad. Last time, I was for two years in Крым (Crimea) and there I learned some Russian, which is a very difficult language to tell you the truth!

  2. Very nice.

    I need to get myself a "cupboard of plenty." I have the plenty, just no good way to store/display it.

    1. It isn't difficult, mine is from the four letters Swedish shop!

  3. That is an amazing transformation with the bookcase - wonderful work.

  4. Nice conversion work on the bookcase! By the way, I've nominated you for a Liebster award (
