Thursday, March 21, 2013

Dwellers in the Dark WIP

   In my opinion, Dweller in the Dark is one of the best GW LotR miniatures. It is a finely detailed resin cast kit that consists of 10 parts, with two different heads among them. Almost a year ago I ordered one kit like that. When I received it, I opened the box, took a look and left it aside.
   The day I decided to assemble it, I had a great surprise! The kit had three left hands (two of them identically the same) and no left leg! I send an e-mail to GW to ask what I had to do about it, though many months had passed since the moment I received the kit. What was the answer? They sent me a new one, free of charge and I didn't have to send back the initial one!!!
   After that, I had a dilemma! What to do with the defective Dweller in the Dark! To keep it or not. I confess that I didn't have the stomach for throwing it away. So, take a look what I did:

Dwellers in the Dark

The three left hands

The missing left leg (last on the right)

The "artificial" leg
   When I received the new Dweller figure I copied its left leg using balsa wood.

At the operating table

The left leg, as good as new!

   To avoid the twin effect I used different heads and different left hands for my Dwellers. Additionally, I set one Dweller on the original base, the one with the dead dwarf,  while the other Dweller on a base decorated with a broken and fallen Ziterdes statue. 

   The next step is to paint them.
   That's it for today! Stay tuned for more!   


  1. What an incredible piece of whittling and a fabulous result - well done!

  2. Wow! I would never have imagined using balsa wood! Great job!

  3. Seconding Scott's comment here: Balsa wood! Looks really good! And to be honest, when I saw the model on GW:s page I was like "meh", but when naked, in bare resin it looks quite interesting. It seems like it'll be a treat to paint!

    Doesn't it feel like you're "creating" money when you can make a whole new model out of spares - granted, this was a special case, but you know what I mean; like the Mordor-/Isengard Troll-kit :)

    1. You are absolutely right Llama! Thanks for your comments!
