Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy New Year! Happy 2013!

   I would like to wish all of you a Healthy, Prosperous and Happy New Year! Let 2013 be a better year than 2012 for each one of you!

   Lets see now, what I managed to accomplish the previous year and what are my resolutions for 2013.
   I wrote 86 posts this year, not bad at all for my standards (husband, father, working man, use of English which it is not my mother tongue)! For my efforts, I received three nominations for the Liebster Blog Award, one from Nicolas of Nowhere to Lead Soldiers, one from Chris of Chris Guard of Mardat's LOTR Hobby Blog and one from Jamie of Rough War (of the Ring). Thanks again for the honour and for your words! In addition, I changed the background colour of the blog from black to grey. To read the white letters is not so painful to the eye anymore! Finally, this year I hope to publish more than 100 posts!
Lord of the Rings
   I didn't complete my Gondor Army except for Osgiliath Veterans. I have to convert some WoMT to Clansmen of Lamedon and Axemen of Lossarnach as well as to accomplish this goal. Furthermore, I have to add some more evil warriors and creatures to my Sauron's army. The Hobbit is also an issue to consider this year!
Operation Squad
   Unfortunately, I didn't participate in any game this year though I wanted to. My Russian sailors and soldiers still need painting! They are black after the priming I gave them ten months ago. I have also some Germans that rest in their boxes and are getting fat!   
   I ordered the rulebook and the first supplement from GB, I read them and nothing more than this. So far, I registered in Saga forum and keep visiting other people's blogs.
   I want to make some more terrain pieces this year and I have in mind to make a Goblin town as well for Hobbit games! The later is a lofty goal for my limited leisure hours!
   By the way, visitors' pageviews passed 20.000. It is encouraging for me to continue.
   That's it for today! Stay tuned!


  1. All ther best for 2013 Panagiotis!
    I look forward to your continued LOTR / Hobbit out put.
    By the way your English is fine, far better than my Greek!

  2. Hi Panagiotis, happy new year 2013!

    I've been catching up your blog, and I really like the last entry with the spider. As with the bats, you nailed it again. And the later battle report is quite impressive.
    Also I would be really curious to see some SAGA from you.
    I'll stay tuned.


    1. Thank you, Nicolas! Happy new year to you too!
      I am flattered that you liked the posts! As for the SAGA, for the time being I have not found anyone, among my friends, who would show any interest to play it.
