Sunday, November 30, 2014


   The last month I traveled a lot. I visited Portugal and Italy for business reasons. Now, I am back in Spain again. As the weather is still perfect here, I travel around Andalusia. One of the places I have been is Arcos de la Frontera. Recently, this town celebrated the 750 anniversary of the re-population of the city and the introducing of Christianity. That happened in the year 1264, after more than 700 years of Muslim rule! They had a reenactment as well, if someone is interested he can visit the following:
   In the meanwhile, I bought some old GW blisters at a very nice price! I also had a gift from a friend, a Mithril, LOTR 'Isengard Orc warrior' 54mm Scale Metal Miniature.

   And some more photos from Arcos:

Basílica de Santa María de la Asunción

Golden eagle

Iglesia de San Pedro

Parador de Arcos de la Frontera

Semana Santa 2008

   Vincent Clive, welcome on board!
   That's it for today! Stay tuned for more!