Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Saturday, December 21, 2013
Friday, December 13, 2013
Goddess Temple WIP
This is my recent project. The Goddess temple is a terrain piece which can be used as an objective during various games. The "building" materials are: balsa wood, wood putty, hard papers, little rocks, sand, white glue, ziterdes pieces and the GW "Ruins of Middle-earth".
Priming and painting come next.
Eagle-eye visitors of the blog may have seen the red spots on the Ouroboros dragon tail of the last photo. Never use a saw to cut a clay terrain piece! Never!
That's it for today. Stay tuned for more!
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Friday, November 22, 2013
The Blue Dragon
The Blue Dragon is ready and I want to say that I am very pleased with the final result! Now, my Moria forces are stronger than ever before!
The Blue Dragon
Having stayed for more than a night to get dry, the base was ready for the next step, the highlighting. For this purpose I mixed Neutral Grey (992) with White (951) and highlighted the whole base, except the shield, using an old brush. Then, I added more White to the mixture and repeated the highlighting a couple of times.
After that, I painted every item on the base: the shield, the two swords, the war-axe, the horn, the helmet, the leather pouch and the gold coins. I kept some coins from the Red Dragon base to use them for this one.
It was time for the Dragon itself to get a better look. I washed the whole model with Strong Tone AP Wash and painted the silver horns, nails and teeth with Ivory (918). I highlighted then the body of the dragon with Sky Blue (961). Finally, I glued the Dragon on its base.
That's it for today! Enjoy!
Friday, November 15, 2013
The Blue Dragon WIP
As soon as the Red Dragon was ready, it was time for his friend, the Blue Dragon! The later was another not expensive plastic toy for children. Of course, I couldn't leave it as it was painted, with all these silver nails and silver horns! Furthermore, I had to give it an appropriate oval base to stand on.
The Dragon toy
I had a Ziterdes small ruined piece with an animal statue on it, which inspired me to think of a temple ruined base. What did I do? I cut a piece of wood at the proper size and glued white hard paper on it. After that, I glued a light blue piece of super-market food tray over it and grooved some runic alphabet letters on the "floor tiles" and cracks on some "stone tiles" of the rest floor.
The Ziterdes "Watcher of dark"
My wife's contribution of pegs as usual!
Everything stuck on the wooden base
Finally, I covered the edges of the base and the gaps between the materials with black wood putty, stuck on it little rocks and sand and left it dry for the night.
Black wood putty, little rocks and sand
The next day I stuck some weapons here and there and painted everything grey. Then, I left it again for another night to dry.
That's it for today! Stay tuned for more!
Friday, November 8, 2013
The Red Dragon
The Red Dragon is ready! Let's take a look at the whole WIP step by step.
The Red Dragon
First, I painted neutral grey and then highlighted with light grey everything, except the trunks. Next, I painted the axes, shield, trunks and coins.
Neutral grey
Light grey
When the base was painted I washed all the objects on it with the Strong Tone of the Army Painter.
Strong Tone wash
Later, I decided to give more realistic look to dragon's claws, teeth and horns. Originally they were gold, too painful to the eye! I painted them Ivory.
Here is the final result. Hope you like it.
Detail of the trunks treasure, the "coins-making" torture!
"Who dares to confront me?"
That's it for today! Stay tuned for the Blue Dragon!