Monday, December 26, 2011

Dwarf Vault Warden Teams

   Vault Wardens are seasoned warriors who excel in warfare in cramped passageways and upon perilous walkways. Always fighting in pairs, these expert tunnel fighters make use of spears and great tower shields to push back their foes, guarding the tunnels and portals of Khazad-dum.

   They are amazing warriors with an unbeatable "D" value. They can block any passageway, guard any high value spot, or defend the flanks of the army. My plan was to add eight pairs to my Dwarf army but to buy eight pairs, the original ones, was out of question because of the high cost. So, I had only one solution to my problem, to convert some two-handed plastic dwarf warriors to wardens who carry the long spears and some others - to ones with the tower shields. I also had somehow to make these long spears and the tower shields. The internet offers many ideas about scratch built Vault Warden Teams from which someone can be inspired. That is what I did and I started my own DVWTs project.
   First things first. To make the tower shields I used "evergreen scale models" sheet styrene, which I bought from a railmodel shop. This one:

   I cut pieces of the above and I stuck on it some brass plates that a friend of mine had given me. He bought them from a shop where someone can find wooden ship models. I stuck also pieces from a thin plastic card to them. The brass plates are these:

   So, I had the eight tower shields but I did not want to waste eight warriors just for holding them. That is why I chose to man only four of the shields and I left the rest four unmanned.

   For the long spears I used round brass tubes which I had also bought from the same railmodel shop. Here they are:

   For the heads of the long spears I used eight samurai swords from some old metallic miniatures, which I bought probably twenty years ago and I have never used them ever since till now. I cannot even remember the name of the manufacturing company. I added a little red flag from greenstuff to each one of the long spears to ensure that the heads will stay on their places during the games and I will not have to stick them back every time after every game.  
   For spear-carriers I used two poises from the dwarves with two-handed weapons:

   The end product of the warriors who carry the long spears is this:

   And the end product of the two companies of eight Vault Warden Teams is this:

   Finally, the whole formation is this:

   That's it for today. Enjoy!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Boromir's boys WIP

   First of all, I would like to wish a Merry and wonderful Christmas to every visitor of this blog, far and near. Have nice and happy Holidays!
   The new project is Boromir and his Minas Tirith Swordsmen. One Hero, one Formation, two companies. Totaly sixteen warriors. One of them is the formation banner-bearer and one is the hornblower. I will follow the same painting scheme, which I did with the Archers. I will paint their tunics with different colours (green, grey, blue and red) to match with the laters. Here are some photos of the WIP so far:

Banner-bearer parts

   Finally, I would like to thank Hilbert for following this blog. A warm welcome from me and the minies!
   Stay tuned for more and enjoy the day!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Lord of the Rings SBG. Second Age Siege.

   This was a game we played long time ago. We wanted to have a siege with all the magic of such a fight, for example the huge walls, a strong gatehouse, high towers, lethal siege engines, siege ladders, etc on the table.
   The Objectives were simple. The Defenders, Numenorians and Dunedains, had to stand for twenty turns untill an Elven ally force would appear to release the siege. The Evil army of Trolls, Orcs and Goblins had to conquer the Castle and kill Isildur, the tall second king of Gondor and Arnor. Here are the photos:

The Map

 Durburz and his Goblins

Buhrdur and his Cave Trolls

Orcs and the stronger strain of Orc, the Morannons

Mordor War Catapult

The Castle

The Tower

The Curtain Wall

The Gatehouse

Morannons are ready to climb

Orcs approach the Walls

"Enemy at the Gates"

Goblins are ready to climb

Morannons attack

Orcs are ready to climb

Buhrdur breaks the Gate

Goblins attack

"Climb the Walls" 

Ward Fight

   At the beginning of the game the catapult had a lucky strike. It hit Arathorn, one of the two Heroes of the Good Force. So, Arathorn died with his sword in its scabbard. Not a heroic death for him, but a promising beginning for my evil creatures. One more time I had the control of the Evil Force. Unfortunately, the continuation was not so fruitful. My warriors managed, without many casualties, to reach the walls, to climb and conquer them, to break the gate, to enter the castle (first objective done) and to bring the fight at the ward. But it took them all the twenty turns and Isildur insisted to stay alive.
   Finally, when the fresh Elven army appeared my warriors did not know where to run to save their souls! It was a massacre and the game was over.
   That's it for today. Stay tuned for more. Enjoy!